Wednesday, November 5, 2008

10 Reasons to Be Happy About the Time Change

I moan and groan about Winter and the shorter days and longer nights it brings, but there are a few things I really look forward to. Such as...
Mocha at Cafe Fanny
  1. taking lots of steaming hot baths
  2. making soul-warming soups and stews for dinner
  3. taking yoga classes by candlelight with steam on the windows
  4. walking the dogs in the cool night air
  5. steaming mugs (or bowls) of hot chocolate and mochas
  6. the smell of wood burning in fireplaces
  7. all those cookies
  8. cashmere and boots
  9. holiday parties with lots of champagne
  10. snuggling under the down comforter

How about you? What do you look forward to?

photo of a mocha at Cafe Fanny in Berkeley


jora said...

I love all the cooking and baking that comes with the longer and cooler nights....braises, stews, roasts, baked goodies, soups.... There is something so comforting about eating those foods. :) Also, we watch a lot more movies this time of the year.

foodiechick said...

Like Jora said, the longer cooked and more comforting recipes. And I am with you on the cashmere and boots. It feels more civilized in SD in the colder months, I can almost pretend I am in luxury fabrics in NY or SF.

And the smell of fireplaces. Mmmm.